How to Match Granite Countertops with Kitchen Cabinets

When going to the expense of installing a brand-new kitchen, the last thing a homeowner wants to deal with is a granite countertop that does not match with the cabinets. Finding the perfect match can be a challenge. A granite fabricator in St. Louis can help you match your cabinet and countertops to give you the look you dream about.

granite countertops kitchen cabinets

A bare kitchen with granite countertops
Source: istockphotos

How do you start?

The easiest way to match cabinets to granite for the countertops is to compare the two side-by-side. When going to the granite showroom, you need to bring along a sample of the cabinet material. A smaller door is ideal as it gives you a good representation of the color variation that wood cabinets can have.

Look for a countertop material that contrasts with your cabinet color. So, if you are installing a dark cabinet, look for a lighter color granite for the countertops. For lighter cabinets, a darker granite would be a better choice.

Take your cabinet sample and compare it to various granites in stock. You want to find a granite that has some of the cabinet color in it. This shared color will help tie the two materials together to provide a harmonious design in your kitchen.

Ask for some granite samples to take home with you. You want to be able to observe the granite in the lighting of your kitchen. Granite may look great outside in the stone yard, but not look good under the lights in your home. Lay the countertop samples on a white towel or sheet so you get a true representation of the color.

Once you get a look at the samples and see them at various times of night and day, choose the option that will work best in the space.

Some Color Combination Recommendations

If you are looking for some inspiration, here are a few recommendations to get you started:

A good granite fabricator in St. Louis can make your choice that much easier. Contact Arch City Granite & Marble, Inc. today.

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