How to Keep a Kitchen Clean Throughout the Year

Without a doubt, your kitchen takes a beating.

kitchen cleaning

A woman cleaning her kitchen
Source: istockphotos

Day after day, week after week, it’s the one room in your house that gets used morning, noon and night. It’s where you cook, gather with family and friends, and more often than not, it’s where you do homework with your kids, pay bills, sort and read the mail, and gather to discuss the day’s events.

And unless you’re Johnny-on-the-spot, this means that the kitchen with undoubtedly get dirty.

Yes, keeping your kitchen clean throughout the year–spring, summer, fall and summer–can be a challenge. It can be difficult to find the time and energy to clean your kitchen every day. But if you follow these kitchen cleaning tips, you might not have to expend too much of any of the above to get it done.

Here are some tried and true kitchen cleaning tips that will keep your kitchen clean without taking up all of your time:

Clean first things first

After a full day of work and then cooking dinner, the last thing you want to do it clean. But there are three items that should be cleaned immediately after using them. They are your knives, microplanes and strainers. Clean them right away after using them and you’ll reduce the chance of bacteria growing and spreading in your kitchen.

Clean the stove

Stoves are an invaluable tool. They are also a bastion of grease, splatter and general messiness–all of which attract flies.

After you’ve cleaned the utensils listed above, make sure to clean your stove by soaking the knobs in soapy water, wiping and scrubbing away grease, and then re-wiping the surface with a clean towel. Keeping your stove clear of grease is incredibly important to keeping your kitchen clean all year long.

Take 20 minutes a day

After important utensils and the stove is cleaned, the rest of kitchen should be a piece of cake to keep clean. All it takes is 20 minutes a day–and here’s the recipe: do dishes every day, sweep, and wipe down your countertops.

Of course, some countertops are easier to keep clean–and look much, much better–than others. Natural stone countertops such as granite, marble and soapstone are easier to maintain (soapstone is virtually impervious to bacteria) and largely considered to look great. But regardless of what kind of countertops you have, if you spend just 20 minutes a day, you’ll have a clean kitchen.

Do your countertops look too far gone for traditional cleaning? If so, learn more about natural stone countertops and fabrication by contacting us at Arch City Granite and Marble.

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