Arch City will Measure Out Your Stone Countertop with Digital Precision

Fabricators and do-it-yourselfers share an old axiom: “Measure twice, cut once.”

digital precision

Source: Archcitygranite

How long do you think it took people to figure out that spending a little more time on the front end of a project can save a lot of time and money on the back end?

Probably a while.

There’s another axiom that has been heard in homes throughout the St. Louis area lately: “If you want something done right, call the countertop fabrication experts at Arch City Granite & Marble.”

Okay, maybe there aren’t throngs of people walking around St. Louis exalting the work done by Arch City Granite & Marble’s fabricators. But there are a lot of them. Here’s why: Arch City Granite & Marble uses the latest technology to make sure customers get exactly what they want.

No, good old-fashioned customer service hasn’t been replaced by innovation. Instead, the two have been combined to ensure that all of the stone countertops fabricated and installed by Arch City Granite & Marble is measured, cut and placed with absolute precision.

The process starts when a highly-trained technician visits your home. After the usual pleasantries are exchanged, she or he listens to your concerns and answers your questions. Then a high-tech measuring device–either the Proliner or the Faro Arm Digital Templating machine–is pulled out and your countertop space is measured.

Using this technology ensures that your stone countertops will be an absolute perfect fit the first time your granite, marble, quartz or soapstone slabs are cut. It also allows you to see a computer-assisted drawing of your countertops so you can be absolutely, positively sure that you are comfortable with your selection.

Essentially, human errors are entirely eliminated from the process and you get one last chance to change your mind before your stone is cut.

After the measurements are complete, your stone is cut, fabricated, adjusted to account for seams or joints, polished and then hand-fabricated for absolute quality control. And when your new granite, marble, quartz or soapstone countertops arrive for installation, you and the installers will know with precision that every piece will fit perfectly–because state-of-the-art technology was used to measure it and you have already seen the computer-assisted drawings.

See? If you want your stone countertops installed correctly, you can’t go wrong when you contact the experts at Arch City Granite & Marble. With two locations in the St. Louis area, it’s always easy and convenient.

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