Enliven Your Home with These Popular Countertop Materials

When does your counter space become more than just a place for work? When does it transcend its functional role into something akin to art? The answer is when your countertops are newly made from ageless, solid and beautiful stone.

Few other kitchen countertop materials are as coveted or as beautiful than those made from granite, marble, quartz or soapstone. All four stones share the aesthetic attributes that only Mother Nature can design, yet each is as distinct as the homeowners who have them installed in their homes. Find out which popular countertop material is the best fit for your living space below.

Source: houzz


Granite sits at the top the list of the most desirable kitchen countertop materials — and for good reason. It’s incredibly durable, as well as scratch- and heat-resistant. And, most importantly, it offers a timeless appeal that is both regal and sophisticated. Granite, more than any other material, complements most interior design styles, from classic to contemporary to transitional.

Source: Arch City


Marble countertops offer a level of elegance that can elevate a kitchen’s design to a level of luxury many dream of, but few are able to achieve, which is why it might surprise you to learn that marble countertops actually cost less than most granite countertops. However, marble is more expensive to maintain and is also more susceptible to scratches and stains than granite.

Source: Helen Norman via This Old House


If what you desire are countertops that will distinguish your home from those of your friends and neighbors, consider quartz. Like granite and marble, quartz is a natural stone that adds a level of refined sophistication to your kitchen. Unlike granite and marble, it’s not 100 percent natural, since most quartz countertops are manufactured, crushed and combined with a binding agent to prevent cracking and chipping. Quartz is strong, beautiful, stain-resistant and very charming.

Source: The Kitchn


Soapstone is perhaps the most misunderstood of all the natural stones commonly used as kitchen countertop materials. Contrary to what’s widely believed about this stunning, relatively rare stone, it’s strong enough to be called scratch-resistant. And, soapstone is non-porous and isn’t likely to stain. It also brings in an understated, mellowing effect to every kitchen with its flat, matte color.

These are the natural stone kitchen countertop materials that have been carved and crafted by Mother Nature over the course of hundreds of thousands of years, and they can transform your kitchen from functional to fabulous in a matter of hours.

And when you’re preparing for a renovation, or designing a new home, be sure to contact Arch City Granite & Marble, Inc. to transcend the average in kitchen design with one of these unique kitchen countertop materials.

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